Apr 14, 2007

Adventures on the Great Wall

Phew! It has been a busy blogging day. I'm almost up to date with my reviews page, and I've discovered how to upload videos to YouTube. So keen has this made me, I've gone and edited a video of Greg and I walking the Great Wall of China way back in August last year. This was one of the earliest and physically toughest parts of our holiday. Looking back, it's also one of the funniest! Enjoy.


  1. Bravo...more,more,more...I think also you have to make your own Video Blog ;)

  2. Congrats on learning such technological feats! great video.... but does it keep the rabbits out? (I'm never one to shy away from the painfully obvious comment)

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  4. Freaking spammers!!!!

    Thanks for your comments Michael and Renee. ;)

    Cheers, Natalie.

  5. No probs Nat..looking forward to more ;)
