Of course, it was also a chance to be inspired, and I was able to do some great workshops, hear interesting stories from the international guests and play in a couple of shows with a bunch of different people. And when you include the social events (because improvisers require beer the way the human body requires air), it amounted to a very busy schedule.
But there's no time to be tired!
The Improvention runs until Sunday night, but I had to return early for the big ImproMafia "double header" this weekend.
Friday 22 July is Meet Cute, a romantic comedy with a time-travel twist. While we've done romance before, we've never tackled that very particular form of "the rom-com". It's going to be a wonderful challenge, and I think it will be very sweet.

Saturday 23 July is Tales from the Wireless, an old time radio serial performed live onstage - including foley sound effects! If you like classics like "The Goons", you'll really enjoy this.
Each show begins at 8pm at the Brisbane Arts Theatre. Tickets are just $12 each at the door. Come along to one, or both!
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