Jan 3, 2009

Radio Clumsy

Today was day one of my weekend of co-hosting on 4BC.

I was as chuffed to bits to be asked to fill-in - and I had fun. I hope listeners enjoyed it!

The most memorable moment was asking the following quiz question:

"How much did Paul McCartney's divorce from Heather Mills cost him: a) 25 million pounds b) 50 million pounds or c) an arm and a leg?"

My co-host John Miller's face went red and he had to go off mike to avoid spluttering on-air. I thought I'd said the wrong thing - and to tell the truth it was fairly offensive, even though I meant it as a joke. Luckily John said later that he thought it was funny, but just hadn't been expecting it.

Day two tomorrow; tune in to 1116AM between 12 and 6pm to have a listen!


  1. Hey GC... On ya. Bit different to reading the News.

    Loved the Question. Give JM something to talk about other than himself... :~)

    Is NatV still producing that time slot?

  2. Nice joke! I'd have laughed...
